Dr. Yuxin TANG
Professor / Ph.D. College of Chemical Engineering, Fuzhou University |
Biographical Information
Dr. Yuxin Tang, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at Fuzhou University, is a National High-Level Young Talent and key member of the "Energy and Catalysis Research Team" led by academic leader Professor Xiaojun Bao (Chief Scientist of the 973 Program and NSFC Distinguished Young Scholar). He obtained his BSc in Applied Chemistry (2006) and MSc in Materials Science (2009, supervised by Prof. Jie Tao) from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and received his PhD in Materials Science from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2013, supervised by Prof. Zhili Dong and Prof. Zhong Chen). From May 2013, he conducted postdoctoral research in Prof. Xiaodong Chen's group. He joined the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME) at University of Macau as Assistant Professor in August 2018, and became Professor at Fuzhou University's College of Chemical Engineering in 2020.
Focusing on the development of safe fast-charging solid-state batteries, Dr. Tang's team has made systematic innovations in polymer solid-state electrolytes and electrode materials under national key projects and industrial support over the past five years. The team has led over 10 research programs including: 1) National Key R&D Program 2) NSFC General Program 3) Macao Science and Technology Development Fund projects (4) Provincial key projects and industry collaborations. Key technological breakthroughs include: 1) Developed "in-situ controllable polymerization technology" under mild conditions, resolving consistency challenges in large-capacity solid-state battery manufacturing;
2) Created "low-temperature catalytic graphitization technology", enabling cost-effective mass production of carbon-based anodes for fast-charging batteries while overcoming high energy consumption and slow kinetics of traditional processes.
The team has published over 180 papers in top journals (Sci. Adv., Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem., etc.) with 15,000+ citations and H-index 66. Dr. Tang holds 59 Chinese patents and 5 PCT patents (3 transferred), with 19 patents granted in China, US and Singapore. He serves as Youth Editorial Board Member for Science China Materials, Carbon Neutralization, etc., and Guest Editor for Small and Science China Materials special issues.
Professional Experience
2020 – Now
Professor, College of Chemical Engineering, Fuzhou University
2018 – 2020
Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME), University of Macau, China
2013 – 2018
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2009 – 2013
Ph.D. Material Science, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2007 – 2009
M.S. Materials Science, School of Material Science and technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China
2002 – 2007
B.S. Materials Chemistry, School of Material Science and technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Academic Service
• Associate editor, Frontier in Chemistry, Electrochemical section (2019.08-)
• Editorial board (Young member),Science China Materials, Springer (2023.03-)
• Editorial board (Young member), Carbon Neutralization, Wiley (2022.03-)
• Editorial board (Young member), Smartmat, Wiley (2021.05-)
• Editorial board, Advanced Materials and Devices, Springer Nature (2021.04-)
• Editorial Board, Catalysts, Electrocatalysis Section, MDPI (2021.04-)
• Editorial board (Young member), Journal of Fuzhou University (2021.03-)
• Leading editor, Small, Special Issue for 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau (2021)
• Guest editor, Science China Materials (中国科学·材料), Special Issue for Flexible Intelligent Materials (2021)
• Guest editor, Frontiers in chemistry,Special Issue for Next-generation Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices (2019)
• Guest editor, Coating,Special Issue for Thin Films for Energy Harvesting, Conversion and storage (2018)
Selected Honors and Award
• The 8th China International College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Silver Award,Mentor (2022)
• The 8th Fujian International College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Gold Award, Provincial Excellent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentor (2022)
• Distinguished Professor of "Tongjiang Scholar" at Quanzhou, Fujian (2020)
• National High-level Overseas Young Talent (2019)
• Emerging Investigators for Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2017)
• Best Ph.D. thesis in Environmental and Sustainability Research, World Future Foundation, Singapore (2013)
• Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Studying Abroad (2013)
• Best Master Degree Thesis of Jiangsu Province, China (2010)
• National Second Prize of the 9th National “Challenge Cup” Competition for Academic and Scientific Achievements among University Student, China (2005)
Graduate courses
• Introduction to Materials Science
Undergraduate courses
• Green Energy Overview