Research Fundings

1) Key Application Technologies of High Safety, Room Temperature Poly(ethylene oxide) Based Solid State Battery, National Key Research Program of China, 2022YFE0206400, 2022.11-2025.11, Project leader, in progress.

2) Fundamental research on the design and preparation of novel room temperature and high voltage polymer electrolyte membrane and its application to all-solid-state battery, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023.01-2026.12, 22279017, Project leader, in progress.

3) National Overseas High-Level Young Talents Project (priority support), Design of Next Generation High Specific Energy and High Safety Battery, 2019-2023, Project leader, in progress.

4) Dynamic process study of rapid lithium storage mechanism of titanium-based anode materials under non-equilibrium state, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 21875040, 2019.01-2022.12, Project leader, completed.

5) PI, Start-up Research Fund from Fuzhou University, China (2020-2023)

6) PI, Research funding from the Overseas High-Level Talent Recruitment Programs (2020-2022)

7) PI, Research funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2019.01-2022.12)

8) PI, Start-up Research Fund from University of Macau, Macau, China (2018-2020)